The Goal of Entombed
Assume the role of a Pyramid Builder for the Pharaohs of Egypt. Manage your resources to build massive pyramids, carve intricate passages & chambers, and decorate with the items befitting a trip to the underworld. The builder with the highest valued pyramids and assets will be crowned Royal Builder.
Each builder must use between 89 -101 blocks in the construction of pyramids.
Each builder must build at least 2 pyramids, but no more than 3.
A builder may build any combination of pyramid sizes, but they must adhere to the above requirements.
Winning The Game
Once the first builder has claimed 2 or 3 contracts and has fulfilled the obligations(89-101 blocks used), the end game begins.
Other builders may continue to try to claim contracts and finish for 7 turns, but builders who have finished begin to get additional Senyu each turn.
- Play for FREE on Tabletop Simulator:
- Engine Builder – Use your income to recruit manpower, buy resources, and satisfy contract requirements.
- Contracts – There are always 4 Small, 4 Medium, & 4 Large Pyramid contract available to the builders.
- Dig out Chambers, Passages and add Décor fit for a Pharaoh.
- 54 unique contract cards, 18 for each size pyramid
- Play as a pure strategy game or add the following elements to introduce luck and player interactions.
- Underhanded Actions allow players to interfere with other builds.
- 18 Offering cards for increasing the chances of Underhanded Actions
- Worker Strikes can hamper a builder’s best laid plans
- Tomb Raiders can come and steal décor from a half built pyramid.
- Solo mode for practicing and testing strategies.
- 1-4 Players
- 60 – 120 minutes