

Pax Unplugged 2022 Booth #4007

Move in day at Pax Unplugged 2022!

Pax Unplugged 2022 Tickets

Pennsylvania Convention Center Attendee Guide

It is early Wednesday morning and the first of 200+ exhibitors are building booths.  Shout out to the people at PCC; the move in process was flawless.  Thanks to all the behind the scenes people who help make Pax Unplugged possible and are never seen: builders, electricians, security, porters, vehicle escorters, people with walkie talkies but apparently no other function, & the truck drivers who bring everything here.

Here are the first shots of our booth # 4007.

Pax is expecting over 30,000 gamers to attend the convention.  We have room for 24, and should flip tables every hour or so, so we could max out at about 200 people per day.  A more likely estimate is probably 100-150 as many people will be playing in 2’s and 3’s.

We will have some extra copies of games to lend out.  If interested in playing a game when our tables are full, just ask.  If we have an extra copy laying around at the time you are more than welcome to borrow it and play it in the free table area.

As you can see in the pics, our booth is in the front right corner of the expo, right near the entrance/exit and the bathrooms.  We will try to have that car moved before Friday!

Tomorrow, Thursday, is set up Day 2.  It is also the day we can collect our badges and get vaccination validated for the show.  I am sure a lot more booths will be set up, so more pics to follow.

We are looking forward to meeting everyone this weekend.  Safe travels to Philadelphia, and enjoy that first cheesesteak!